Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stop The Misdirection

One necessary ingredient that every successful stage magician, illusionist and sleight-of-hand artist employs is misdirection.  While the audience watches the obvious, the not so obvious is also happening.  For the past 50+ years, the battle to remove any mention of God or the Bible from our public schools has been the obvious, while the not so obvious is the political indoctrination of our children occurring in those same schools.  At the same time, the obvious in our churches is the battle to restrict their involvement in politics, while the not so obvious is the lack of instruction to counter the indoctrination occurring in all levels of education.
The result of these misdirections is a society that embraces the welfare state, absolute government authority and open borders.  They think God, the Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance are irrelevant.  Their moral compass is calibrated by the letter of the laws written by lawyers, judges and politicians, rather, than the character of our Creator.  They have been taught that education is the key to success; that hard work is for those who lack education and when they do not get what they want, they are told to blame anyone or anything but themselves.  When it comes to a politically correct education, no child in the system has been left behind.
Teachers are a second group victimized by these misdirections.  For most, teaching is a calling and lifelong commitment.  They enter the profession with high hopes, only to be treated as pawns in the illusion.  They are caught in a system that tells them what to teach and when to teach it under penalty of law. 
As we Okies might say it, “Our chickens have come home to roost.”  Perhaps, it is time to reintroduce the “board of education” for discipline, the “Three R’s” for curriculum, and to give teachers the support and freedom they need to teach. 


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